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(+27) 083 758 8643


to place your special order today!


See price list:


​Herbyvores Shop


Herbyvores provides a wide range of baked treats, preserves and mouth-watering meals.


Kathy keeps our riders and spectators full to the gills with delicious toasted sandwiches, home-baked pies and other tasty treats. 


The Herbyvores store also stocks a range of freshly baked goodies, and decadent preserves and sauces to liven up your home-cooked meals.​


Herbyvores takes bulk orders too, so have a look at the price list and place your order today!

Herbyvores Shortbread
Kathy's famous toasted sandwiches
Herbyvores Lemon and granadilla curd
Assorted Herbyvores preserves
Baked Herbyvores goodies
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